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Breathwork group sessions

Energetic boost session

In this group session, we will explore the boundaries of our breath. We will focus inward and learn how to generate energy from a place of deep stillness. We will play with our breath and discover how we can even go without it for extended periods of time. This session will provide you with a sense of deep calm, renewed energy, and mental clarity.

Rebirthing session (intensive)

In this group session, we’ll journey deep inside ourselves with the guidance of music. During this transformative breathing technique, we’ll breathe deeply without pausing in between the inhale and the exhale, which is known as ‘ conscious connected breathing.’

As we allow our minds to slow down, it opens up space for our body and subconscious mind to bring forth new insights. That’s why this breathing session is also referred to as ‘rebirthing.’ This unique way of breathing creates a sense of spaciousness in our body and mind, which allows us to become more sensitive and receptive. This gives us a feeling of lightness and freedom as we enter a different level of consciousness, gaining access to what’s stored within our body and subconscious mind. These can be memories, emotions, or insights, and the the full experience of which can be enlightening and helpful in our lives. Only by truly seeing what’s happening inside can we change and heal.

The goal of this session is to create awareness of the unconscious processes in your body and mind.

Soham breath meditation

In this session, we’ll be practicing the Soham breath meditation, which is based on the Sudarshan Kriya technique. This breathing practice was developed by the yoga guru Ravi Shankar and further refined by several breathwork experts. During this session, we will focus on relaxing the diaphragm through breathing through the nose. This helps to regulate stress, depression, and negative emotions. By the end of the session, you will feel calm, relaxed, and rejuvenated, ready to take on the day with renewed energy.

Do you want me to lead a session at your yoga school or retreat center?

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